SPSP Newsletter # 22 |
Listening to you?
- Practices of Validation in the Biomedical Sciences: Patrick Ferree and Stefano Canali interview Lara Keuck
- Martin Zach talks to Vera Materese about an online seminar series on philosophy of science for and with astrophysicists
- Hernán Bobadilla takes us to the 14th Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, at the University of Valparaíso (Chile)
- Elis Jones reviews the new book Evolution Evolving, by Kevin Lala and colleagues
- Julian Reiss takes the Proust Questionnaire
- And what we're listening to: not you, but podcasts! They now get their own little corner.
Newsletter № 21 (June) |
Cheers to Legends and Milestones!
- A colourful look at the 10th biennial SPSP conference
- Interviews with the authors Mauricio Suárez (Inference and Representation) and Greg Radick (Disputed Inheritance)
- Subjects, Power, Knowledge: Celebrating Helen Longino’s philosophy
- Change and Continuity: Celebrating John Dupré’s work
- Proust Questionnaire with Sean Valles
Newsletter № 20 (Dec) |
Stay salty!
- Philosophy in and for sustainability science: Hernán Bobadilla talks to the KLI's scientific director, Guido Caniglia
- Different and unequal: Rose Trappes and Emma Cavazzoni introduce the PHIL_OS project, on Open Science in diverse research environments
- Meatigating circumstances: Sophia Efstathiou on philosophy and ethics of scientific and food practices
- Proust Questionnaire with Leah McClimans
Newsletter № 19 (June) |
When disciplines and cultures meet
- Philosophy on a market: Mariusz Maziarz on the philosophy of economics
- Adventures in Interdisciplinarity: Alan Love about organizing interdisciplinary research on “purpose”
- Eleonora Cresto (Buenos Aires) about organizing a large philosophical congress
- Proust Questionnaire with Manuela Fernández Pinto
Newsletter № 18 (December) |
SPSP reunited
- SPSP2022 highlights
- Realism for Realistic People
- Open access: Implications for philosophy of science
- The Philosophy of the Geosciences as Arrived
- SPSP Members Talk Fossil Data at the PSA Conference
- Hanne Andersen takes the Proust Questionnaire
- Save the dates for SPSP2024!
Newsletter № 17 (June) |
Crossing borders
- Philosophy in a Lab, an interview with Lucie Laplane
- Training Philosophers in the Lab, an interview with Fridolin Gross
- Digital Humanities, a joint interview with Charles Pence and Henrik Kragh Sørensen
- Maria Kronfeldner takes the Proust Questionnaire
- Welcome to the SPSP meeting at Ghent University, by Erik Weber and Maarten Van Dyck
Or alternatively download the PDF versions of № 17 (2MB) and № 18 (2MB).
SPSP Newsletter № 16 (December) |
A la recherche des conférences perdues
- Philosophy in the Museum: Rose Trappes talks to Joana Forsinhmo
- Philosophy in the Lab: Martin Zach and Tomas Marvan talk to Ann-Sophie Barwich
- Global SPSP: Ariel Roffé talks to Filippo Contesi about the Barcelona Principles of a Globally Inclusive Philosophy
- Erik Weber takes the Proust Questionnaire
- SPSP2022: Call for papers
SPSP Newsletter № 15 (July) |
Stop the press and save the dates: SPSP2022 is on!
- Epistemic Decolonization, an interview with Azita Chellappoo and Zinhle Mncube
- Maya Goldenberg on vaccine hesitancy
- Proust Interview with Jacob Stegenga
- Ghent revisited: SPSP2022
Also still available: Oldie-stylee PDF versions of this newsletter, № 15 (3.4MB) and № 16 (2MB).
SPSP Newsletter № 14 (December) |
Unlucky 14: When SPSP2021 became SPSP2020 again
- Pandemic-PSP: Resources and interview with Jonathan Fuller
- Taking philosophy into the field with Evelyn Brister and Robert Frodeman
- News from the community
- Graduate student interview: Martin Zach
- Proust Interview with Angela Potochnik
Enjoy the shiny new online version of the newsletter by clicking above, or alternatively download the PDF version (3.7MB).
- Newsletter № 13 (May — PDF 2.4MB)
Unlucky 13: When SPSP2020 became SPSP2021
- The “practice turn” with Adrian Currie
- The Talk of Town:
- Philosophical Perspectives on Ecological Niches
- Animal Research Unbound
- Health Publics in Personalized Medicine
- Graduate student interview: Stefano Canali
- Proust Interview with Catherine Kendig
- Newsletter № 12 (July — PDF 5MB)
Where art, science & philosophy meet?
- Interview with Gemma Anderson
- New thematic section: The “practice turn” (with Nora Boyd)
- The greatest challenges in Philosophy of Science (with Nicholas Zautra)
- Graduate student interview: Stefano Canali
- Proust Interview with Chiara Ambrosio